Wednesday, April 24, 2013

For the last post I have yet to do GLEE and  a reflection post so i will do them now.
The personal connection that I felt to GLEE was when my brother got trash thrown at him while sitting outside. He was hanging with friends and a group of high school football boys came by and threw trash at him and called him a fag. I was enraged when i heard this. Much like Kurts dad, my mom took immediate action and called the school. My sister who is also in school with my brother had the football captian stick up for paul in the locker room. It was sad that my brother was bullied but atleast he had allies. The young man who threw the trash apperantly struggles with his own issues of fitting in much like Karosfy.
Paul came out about two years ago and went through some of the discourses Raby describes. He began his at risk period when he fell into the wrong crowd. After some guidance and love he began hanging with a better crowd and feeling more comfortable with himself. When this bullying occured I called him and asked if he was ok. He told me he felt sorry for the bully because atleast he (my brother) was happy with himself. Photo: Happy belated national sibling day to the best

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Its funny that this is a whole lesson because this is the topic we chose to do for our final project. The whole project is about teens resisting using the spoken word. Teens resist in other ways to such as videos, blogs, social media etc... The movie Thirteen always makes me think of teens resisting because that is what the whole movie is about.

Teens like to stand up for themselves depending on the crowd. If a teen feels that they can not talk back at home they may do it to friends or other outside the home to instill in themselves a sense of confidence. After reviewing my sisters tumblr it is very clear that she loves lace and frilly things, this known by the amoung of pictures of that stuff that is on her page. When she goes out though she is in my old hamy downs because she doesnt have the money to buy the things she reposts.
Another example is music  teens love to listen to music wether it is on their video game or on the radio. The lyrics and beat allow them to feel something. Myspace pages have an option to put a music video on your page that expresses you.
Teens like any other classification of humans want to be heard and respected. I find it interesting how we teach kids to respect people when they are rarely respected. Parents and adults laugh off their mood swings and shrug at their outfit changes instead of reconizing that their teens just want to be respected.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I just wanted all of you to know that last night my dreams came true

I saw the man that changed the way i viewed music and society. BOB DYLAN.
Hip Hop Wars
After reading this article it made me think about that song by Ice T, about the cops in Cali. How that song caused such an uproar and how influential it was. That would be considered old Hip Hop, people rapping about the times and how it makes them feel. I do not know much about Hip Hop but I think for the most part we could agree that music is dead. The new wave of pop has killed what true music embodies. Baring ones soul to the world through song and standing up to the man in each verse. Now a days we just hear about the clud or how Taylor Swift got her heartbroken for the 100th time. I liked the line in her Q&A "You would have to turn off all commercial black radio. You'd have to shut down all of your children's and your own investment in MTV, BET, VH1. You would basically have to unplug from society as a whole." Society as we spoke about in class is going to constantly push against us as we try to flow up stream. But sometimes in order to resist the urge to go crazy and becomes a shut in, I think we all give in just a bit. We listen to that song that we know isnt respectful or indulge in that show that isnt very good. This keeps us sane as we resist the flow of the water. "They know you're not going to do it because that means rejecting the entire system, not just a given artist". We are not all going to detach from society to prove a point. But discussing the issues surronding societys flaws is a start to changing them.

I am writing this blog after our discussion in class and i know that seems like a form of cheating. I read the text and we discuessed it in class so I know it inside and out. In class we spoke about how these white males were bullied at school and made to feel less than. This being a big reason as to why the school shootings occured. The groups I was in offered great discussion and insight to this reading and allowed me to open up my mind a bit. That being said I still however feel strongly toward mental illness being the straw that broke the camels back. This idea of a tough guise has been around for sometime. Men feeling the need to insert their dominance when ever it was being threatened. The Spartans thrived on the idea of man being almost invinsible.  Being good at sports and having big muscles seems to be essential to men. Without such characteristics how are they going to be the person to fuck the most girls at the club. (excuse the cuss). This is no doubt a big issue in our world today, men should be able to embrace their sensative side without being laughed at for it. Most men get teased by their friends for a quality they lack concerning their manhood. I see it all the time, these men later get mad and feel sorry for themselves for a while. Girls also participate in this by "not sleeping with them" or
"turning them down". For some reason the amount of notches on a bed post matters. These kids however have not taken to such extremes as school shootings. While I know this is not way to teach people and should be subject to closer anaylizes, I feel that mental illness was what broke these kids down. The build up was no doubt the bullying of these men and how it chipped away slowly at their self esteem. But kids like this exsist every where and do not end up shooting people as a result. Please understand that I am not saying this is an issue that should not be dealt with, I am merely arguing with the author.
This movie/reading reminded me of other course texts that we have talked about. The first is Christensen and how she spoke of the Disney princesses. This idea that we are going to need prince charming to get through life.
In the movie Brave, the girl does not allow herself to be a victim of this cycle. She fights against the norm and makes her own path. This theme is not common in Disney movies as Orsenstein reminds us. She talks about how yonug girls get wrapped up in princess culture and how big companies make a fortune off of little girls wanting happily ever after. Christensen took the time to anaylze these flaws in movies to point out how corrupt they can be to kids. Orsentein gives a similar approach by discussing how this culture came to be. These text also relate to SCWAAMP. This idea that the princess is always white as is the prince. That wealth will help us achieve happily ever after, so we should marry a doctor. All of the characters in these films are abled bodied. So much of these films feed into what SCWAAMP is all about. God forbid they make a movie about a girl who isn't white and does not marry a prince. These ideas of grandure are unrealistic and set little girls up for heartbreak. It is ok to let little girls see these movies, but having a discussion about how life actually goes would spare them the myth of happily ever after.